About Me

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Cairo, Egypt
Hallo in my web page my name is Tadrous Magdy her I show you my work in Graphic, vfx, vedio and sound editing. when ever I have any time I will make tutorials and making of my work. in this page you will find links to a lot of useful learning materials and alot of tips. programs that I use (3DS Max with plugins like after burn, Fume FX, polyboost, VRay - real flow - ZBrush - boujou for 3d camera tracking - PFTracking - deep uv - After Effects - Photoshop) all that programs I mastered it I am also have a very good knowledge in AutoCAD. I love music I making it I am also sing rap songs , I use (FL studio - ACID - soundforge - drum station) and alot of usual programs that alot of people know it like ( movie maker - ulead vedio studio - etc.)


As much as this is a small video but it take from me a lot of time and work I want to make it real as I can, even so the original shot was bad in quality and timing of reactions. I capture this video by nokia N95 Cam (5-megapixel resolution) so It was hard in tracking and In match grain. the render was too slow that is way I made it small video about 8 sec. I used 6 programs to do that project.

project breakdown:

1-I created base model in 3DS Max and unwarp it then exported it to Zbrush as obj.

2-In Zbrush I added details and texturing it, exported it in low poly obj to Max and export the displace map (32bit float) high res. and export normal map.

3-In tracking it was hard because the low quality of video, I used two programs in track, first was PFtrack I used it only to know estimated focal length of the camera because PFtrack have a powerfull tool to calculate estimated focal length. (this step we can ignore it, we can direct use Boujou but you will try alot to get things work good), second program was Boujou it is the most powerfull tracking program I used, I tried (Realviz Matchmover, PFtrack) but Boujou is the best, then I exported camera data to 3DS Max.

4-Back again in Max I skining, rigging and animating Trex (dinasour). I used camera data to animate it in the right directions. using Matte Material to cast shadow on the ground, lighting the scene and use advanced lighting system and final gather finally I rendered elements because the important thing I wanted was to separate the shadow to work on it in After Effects and do advanced compositing.

5- At final I take all that pieces and but them in After Effects for compositing and post production. the challenge was in make the tree in the original footage cast shadow on Trex(dinosour) head and make the shadow of Trex under the shadow of the tree on the ground after that I did some color correction and much grain to fake that Trex is from the original footage and add sound effects

programs used:
3ds Max
pf track
After Effects
video link :

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